Tourism and Disability Award for Amboise Royal Château

Published on 29 February 2012 - Updated 05 August 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

This major heritage site of the Loire Valley has just scooped a visitor-friendly award for the hard-of-hearing and mentally handicapped. It has been working for some years now on making it accessible to all sections of the public, particularly through the excellence initiative of the major sites of the Loire Valley. It organised an awareness-raising day in this regard in December 2011.

Tailored visit itineraries and specific mediation tools have been set up to meet the needs of disabled visitors: 

  •  hearing disability:portable induction loop and amplifier at the ticket desk, special guided tours with a French sign language (FSL) interpreter, audiovisual guides with FSL content and sub-titled, alarm relayed by a warning light,
  •  mental disability: information panels combining text with pictures, "Junior" sound itinerary for adults with mental deficiencies, "kid's" booklet for youngsters with mental deficiencies, group welcome for people with mental deficiencies during booked visits or thematic workshops,
  • motor disability: installation of a "gentle stroll" visit itinerary in the gardens, access to the ground floor and first floor of the royal house (with assistance) audiovisual guide with video content about areas inaccessible to people with reduced mobility, advance ticket sales online or at the tourist office and access to the château via a private entrance.
  • visual disability: organisation of special tactile tours "Dans tous les sens", audiovisual guides with content in audio-description, possibility of touching certain artefacts by request, heat-inflatable map booklets, tactile model of the site and soon a tactile orientation plan.


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