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  • Countryside closure: a marker of the operational impact of the UNESCO label on the Loire Valley World Heritage site

Countryside closure: a marker of the operational impact of the UNESCO label on the Loire Valley World Heritage site

Published on 02 November 2011 - Updated 24 November 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Within the context of obtaining their diploma in land management from the University of Tours école Polytechnique school of engineering, Cyril Barbier and Mathias Gaillard carried out research on this topic under the guidance of José Serrano.

The operational impact of the UNESCO label on the management of landscape development 

(Extract from the introduction) 

“Analysis of the operational impact of the UNESCO label on the Loire Valley area will be made by looking at the subject of countryside closure, from a local institutional perspective

Once we have defined the main study-related concepts, we will go on to talk about the context in which the Loire Valley has been listed. Then we will discuss the roles of the different players involved in the listed area. Then we will give details of the recommendations made by UNESCO and the resulting actions undertaken on a national or interterritorial level, as well as the difficult issue of countryside closure. 

Secondly, we will illustrate our issue with a local case study. We will attempt to identify and quantify the phenomena behind the closure. Finally, by means of interviews with local institutional players, we will illustrate this case study using an explanatory diagram of the operational system set up to manage the countryside closure over the territory in question.” 

 Training via research 

Training via research includes an individual piece of research which constitutes the final year project in the last year of training for student engineers. This exercise corresponds to an internship lasting for a minimum of three months, in a research laboratory, primarily as part of the UMR 6173 CITERES Urban and Regional land management department engineering team to which the teachers/researchers at the University of Tours Ecole Polytechnique urban and regional land management department belong. 

The research work, the basic aim of which is to acquire methodological research skills, must fulfil one of the two main objectives: 

  • Develop a whole part of a method or a new tool which makes it possible to deal with a difficult land management issue in an innovative way
  • Build on basic knowledge to improve ability to deal with a complex land management issue.


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