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  • "La Terrrible Crue cruelle", 7th story in the "Mystérieux Mystères insolubles" comic book series

"La Terrrible Crue cruelle", 7th story in the "Mystérieux Mystères insolubles" comic book series

Published on 20 August 2015 - Updated 16 July 2020
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The Centre-Loire Valley region and Mission Val de Loire are presenting this new volume in the comic strip collection for young people "Mystérieux Mystères insolubles”, halfway between documentary and fiction. The last volume in this series pays tribute to the Loire Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage. It will be launched officially during the European Heritage Days.

Le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial

For a few days now, the River Loire has been breaking its banks.  

Luckily the International and Zecret Zorganisation of Children who are Fed Up of Being Treated like Imbeciles (Z.I.Z.E.M.P.C.) is keeping an eye on it and sends Klutch, newly (not quite) qualified, to watch the phenomenon. 

That's right, “La Terrrible Crue cruelle”, the 7th and final volume of the fabulous series of “Mystérieux Mystères insolubles”, takes place before the others. 

"La TeRRRible Crue cruelle" 

"L’atelier du poisson soluble" publications - September 2015 

40 pages, €15 

After exploring the Chinon region, Loiret and Briare canals, Loire châteaux and the city of Blois, today it's the whole of the Loire Valley that our dashing heroes unveil to children. In this album, water, stone, gardens and vines – the sources of the Loire Valley's wealth between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire – show the importance of interactions between the river and its residents for over 2000 years, and which have made it possible to list as a World Heritage this truly outstanding site that we must pass down to future generations... 

Signing sessions

Signing sessions will be organised with the authors Grégoire Kocjan and Julie Ricossé when the book comes on sale: 

  • Friday 18 September from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: "Le Livre à venir" bookshop in Saumur
  • Saturday 19 September:
    • from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: "Bédélire" bookshop in Tours
    • from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.: "Nouvelle" bookshop in Orléans
  • Sunday 20 September from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.: Musée de la Marine de Loire de Châteauneuf-sur-Loire

Find out where other signing sessions are being held on  the blog

Exhibition and teaching packs

From September 2015, an exhibition showcasing the collection (6 self-hanging panels and 11 original plates) will be available at the Heritage Inventory Directorate, along with teaching packs for primary and secondary school teachers. 




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