Mission Val de Loire communicates with local elected officials

Published on 04 July 2014 - Updated 04 August 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Following renewal of municipal and community councils, Mission Val de Loire wished to make special contact with newly elected officials whose local authorities are part of the Loire Valley recognised by UNESCO as being a world heritage site for the outstanding universal value of its landscapes and heritage.

A new Loire Valley World Heritage site brochure

The brochure was sent to the 164 municipalities, 22 communities of municipalities and 5 conurbation communities concerned at the end of June

It aims to provide all essential information on the UNESCO inscription and its implications: 

  • The UNESCO World Heritage Convention
  • The Loire Valley’s outstanding universal value
  • Issues involved: reconciling preservation and development
  • Map of the UNESCO site
  • The commitment of the State and local authorities
  • UNESCO recognition
  • Mission Val de Loire


A network of local correspondents

The governance plan approved by the Prefect of the Centre Region coordinating the UNESCO site proposes to setup a network of local correspondents for the site’s municipalities, communities of municipalities and conurbation communities in order to make the label a shared experience and lend support to achievement of goals regarding site quality, appropriation of the label by inhabitants and visibility

Missions expected of a local correspondent


Ambassador of the Loire Valley World Heritage site, and contact person and information relay for Mission Val de Loire, his/her local authority and local stakeholders, a local correspondent’s role will be to disseminate, orientate and reconnoitre. 

  • Disseminate: be an ambassador, know how to explain and promote the inscription
  • Orientate: be a contact person who guides enquirers to the right interlocutors
  • Reconnoitre: inform of initiatives and projects worth promoting

Who can be a local correspondent?

  • An elected official
  • A local authority staff member
  • A qualified person active in community life, a former elected official, a scholar in local history, etc.
  • A delegate for local authorities involved with the Loire Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park

On this website:

Information sessions in the autumn

In order to launch this initiative and meet newly elected officials’ information needs, Mission Val de Loire will be holding awareness-raising sessions from the month of September, aimed at all municipal councillors, and presidents and vice-presidents of communities of municipalities and conurbation communities responsible for questions concerning heritage, culture, urban planning, territorial development and tourism. 

In particular, the planned sessions will provide an opportunity to pass on the values that prevailed at the time of inscription and mobilise participants in the context of the Loire ValleyRendezvous, a unique opportunity to bring together all stakeholders concerned on 25 November 2014 at the Vinci International Convention Centre in Tours. 

On this website:



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