The Bulle Ambu’lente to showcase heritage in Maine-et-Loire

Published on 06 December 2017 - Updated 05 February 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The Bulle Ambu'lente is a horse-drawn caravan, built in an entirely environmentally friendly way and self-sufficient in energy terms, which rambles along at its own pace to encounter Maine-et-Loire locals living in the rural environment. It puts on a programme geared towards education in and enhancement of local heritage in all its forms: biodiversity, built heritage, stakeholders and initiatives in favour of the local territory, farmland and environment.


  • re-anchor citizens in the area they live
  • recreate community ties in the rural environment
  • promote existing initiatives which are relatively unheard of
  • foster access to culture for everyone

This little mobile workshop is: 

  • a mobile space for sharing and discussing, which can be set up for a few days at the heart of the village;
  • a tool for educating in the environment and promoting the territory, available to all locals (schools, residents, centres for children with mental disabilities (IME), etc.);
  • a stage for hosting shows or concerts for example, thereby putting local initiatives in the spotlight.

Presentation video:  

How the project came about

The Bulle Ambu'lente is a meaningful, community-based project which aims to nurture relations between people and our link to the environment. 

All of its founding members are actively involved in their community, working across the culture, environment and tourism spheres. 

The Bulle is "retro-innovative": 

  • "retro" by the return to animal haulage and bringing to life the public square. It is an “original” ode to a slow-paced way of life, village life and community ties!
  • "innovative" by:
    • the fact that it goes out to meet citizens;
    • its design: the Bulle is brimming with ecological innovation, thus conveying a coherent and viable message, and "setting an example";
    • the provision of a stage, a fully-fledged platform for local initiatives;
    • accessibility to all sections of society: the Bulle, set up on the village square, invites everyone to come and take part!

See the Facebook page:  



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