The Cultural Landscape exhibition is spreading

Published on 07 May 2014 - Updated 15 May 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Up until recently, the multimedia exhibition created by Mission Val de Loire on the Loire Valley World Heritage site’s cultural landscape has only been available to the public at large through free-of-charge loans to bodies that have requested it or at Chinon Fortress, which installed a terminal in its reception area when it was renovated in 2010. In April 2014, Mission Val de Loire provided the listed site’s Maison du Parc and 4 Maisons de Loire with terminals to present the exhibition to the public.

Terminals will be progressively installed and presented to the public over the next few months. 5 more will be set up in other institutions open to the public. 

The exhibition

A tactile screen enables users to follow their fancy in composing a discovery of the heritage content and cultural values which resulted in the Loire Valley’s inscription on the World Heritage List in November 2000. 

The menu offers visitors five choices… 

  • Three theme-based sections presenting the Loire Valley as the result of a gradual, uninterrupted process of cultural landscape construction:
    • “in the beginning, a river”
    • “one road, many milieus”
    • “heritages and cultures”.
  • Two components provide contents acting as reminders or approaches:
    • “a journey through time”
    • “world heritage”.

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