“L’Église Saint-Pierre de Saumur, un Chantier Colossal (1998 – 2016)”

Published on 04 May 2016 - Updated 20 May 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The making of this 26-minute documentary film on the restoration of Saint-Pierre church was entrusted to Anjou Vision and coordinated by Saumur’s City of Art and History department. Guided by the architect and the craftspeople working with him, viewers will come to appreciate the patient restoration work that finally returned the church to its former age-old splendour, and the day-to-day problems, progress and hazards inherent in a major restoration project.

The film will be in competition at the Films and Companies international institutional film festival held in Baule (44) from 17 to 19 May 2016. 

Founded on the cusp of the 12th and 13th centuries and built on unstable ground between river and hillside, Saint-Pierre church’s architecture is typical of the Angevin gothic style, even though its tuffeau stone main façade was rebuilt in classical style following its collapse in 1674. 

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