Taking stock of the Centre region’s gastronomic heritage

Published on 23 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

This inventory is part of the project to gain international recognition of French gastronomy from UNESCO, but is also designed, as Marie-Madeleine Mialot, Vice-President of the Centre region, puts it, “to boost our tourism economy”.


The Centre region aims to take stock of its agro-food, craft and cultural riches, with the help of specialist researchers from the European Institute of Food History and Cultures (IEHCA) at the François Rabelais University in Tours .
The IEHCA is behind the idea to inscribe French gastronomy on the representative list of intangible cultural heritage, created by a 2003 convention, which should not be confused with the World Heritage Convention of 1972. It is an idea which has also been adopted at national level, with the creation of a project support mission led by geographer Jean-Robert Pitte, a specialist in gastronomy and former President of the Sorbonne.
Further information:



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