Hyperlandscapes: photo competition of the Pays Loire Touraine

Published on 29 February 2012 - Updated 26 April 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

As part of the enhancement of its region's heritage and landscapes, the Pays Loire Touraine, a region of art and history, is organising this competition with the Indre-et-Loire Academic Inspectorate, supported by the French Department of Education. It aims to instil a sense of worth in children's views of their daily landscape and to promote the rich heritage of the region through an original approach.

In its literal sense, a hyperlandscape is a landscape linked to explanations by hypertext (dynamic links enriching a media production). A hyperlandscape must therefore be produced using a computer. A more traditional approach has been adopted for this competition, however. The challenge here is to produce a 360° panorama, photographed and supplemented with explanatory captions

The submissions will be presented in an exhibition during the European Heritage Days on 15 and 16 September 2012. A jury will choose the five best classes who will receive a prize in reward for their work. 

Competition deadline: 1 June 2012 

Contact and competition rules: 




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