“Guide Pédagogique pour 3 SCoT du Loiret” guide

Published on 30 March 2015 - Updated 13 April 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

This educational guide, published in partnership with the Loiret CAUE (Council of Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment), is designed to accompany the procedures for drafting the Territorial Coherence Plans (SCoTs) initiated simultaneously by Pays Forêt d’Orléans-Loire Valley, Sologne Val Sud and Loire Beauce. It seeks to ensure that notions and concepts relating to sustainable urban planning are shared by all local actors (local authority officials, technicians and inhabitants), so fostering integration of issues involved in SCoTs at municipality level.

With regard to issues involved in spatial planning and the CAUE’s missions bearing on promotion of landscape, urban and architectural quality, the selected theme is “Towns and villages in their land(scape)s: territorial mutation and changes in ways of living”. 

It is composed of 26 sections divided up into 4 themes

  • Land economics and urban intensification
  • Village borders and urban limits
  • Nature in towns
  • Centralities and multipolarities.



With pooling of know-how regarded as of key importance to success, the guide was drawn up in close collaboration with the Montargois-en-Gâtinais SCoT’s Joint Management Syndicate and the Loiret CAUE. 

Four trainees from the School of Urban Planning, Landscaping and Spatial Planning were mandated by each of the bodies involved in drafting the SCoTs and were sent to the Loiret CAUE, which accompanies SCoT procedures, where they worked together on the four territories in question in liaison with the CAUE team and the territories’ executive officers. 

The educational guide was drafted on the basis of a field approach coupled with analysis of studies already carried out and documentary and iconographic research

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