Bumper game in tourist wine cellars

Published on 25 July 2017 - Updated 25 August 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

From 1 July to 30 September 2017, InterLoire is organising the “Visiting Means Winning!” operation. 150 tourist wine cellars across the territory are taking part in the operation, with 80 cellars in the Pays de la Loire Region and 70 in the Centre-Loire Valley Region. Visitors are provided with scratch cards.

Visitors can win wine-cellar paraphernalia and bottles of wine on the spot. 

The back of the scratch card contains a code that visitors can use to participate in an online tombola and win a balloon flight, a stay for two in a vineyard or a wine cooler. 

The operation has 3 objectives: 

  • Boosting the tourist wine-cellar network by increasing numbers of visitors to wine cellars and estates.
  • Improving the Loire Valley’s wine-tourist reception image.
  • Increasing traffic on the www.vinsvaldeloire.fr website.

On the web: 


The Loire Valley’s new Wine Roads 

In Pays de la Loire, 17 theme-based circuits run through the vineyards, designed for visitors travelling by car or bicycle or on horseback. Interspersed with a selection of points of interest, they enable users to acquaint themselves with the whole of the Loire Valley’s winegrowing area. 




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