Francis I, King of War, King of Peace

Published on 17 June 2015 - Updated 01 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

From 30 June to 3 July 2015, the 58th International Symposium of Humanist Studies organised at the CESR and Domaine national de Chambord is devoted to Francis I to mark the 500th anniversary of his coronation. Thirty or so of the top specialists in the subject will study the royal imagination and the practices and cultures of war at the time, as well as the art and politics of diplomacy. This event will shed fresh light on who King Francis I was, thanks to the most recent research carried out on his reign.


This symposium is being held as part of the cultural season "1515-2015 Francis I – The Renaissance in the Loire Valley". 

One of the forthcoming events will be the exhibition " Royal treasures: Francis I's library ", which is bringing together the most valuable of Francis I's books for the first time at Château royal de Blois, together with a collection of artefacts which also come from the royal collections. 

See the whole programme at:



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