2017 "World Heritage Mediation" Training

Published on 07 September 2017 - Updated 21 September 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The Association for World Heritage Properties in France (ABFPM) is organising the 3rd national session between 6 and 8 November 2017 at the Saline Royal (Royal Saltworks) at Arc-et-Senans. This intensive operational training is intended for staff responsible for welcoming the public in management structures for French World Heritage Properties or mediation units in the properties (Towns of Art and History departments, heritage and tourism departments, maison de parc, tourist offices, CEN, etc.).

Its main objectives are to: 

  • Re-discover the key concepts of World Heritage (the Convention, the listing process, the statement of outstanding universal value, etc.);
  • Understand the changes in the World Heritage Convention through French listings;
  • Understand the issues associated with incorporating the values of a UNESCO listing into mediation activities;
  • Compare everyone's professional practices and discover which mediation tools are used and potentially can be reused in each person's region;
  • Find out how to put this into practice in your daily activity;
  • Take part in the establishment of a national network of world heritage mediators.

Programme and pre-registration: 


Closing date for pre-registration: 1 October 2017 

3rd Meeting of World Heritage Associations in Europe

On 5 and 6 October 2017, the Association for World Heritage Properties in Germany, the German Commission for UNESCO, the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and Lübeck Travemünde Marketing are organising the 3rd Meeting of World Heritage Associations in Europe. 

On the theme of Sharing Heritage, this meeting will focus on the way in which European world heritage properties are experienced as meeting places and places of identity. 

To find out more visit: 




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