Exhibition “La Loire dessus dessous. Archéologie d'un fleuve”

Published on 21 September 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

The Loire Museum in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire (Nièvre) and Loire Marine Museum in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire (Loiret), both accredited as a “Musée de France”, have teamed up with the regional archaeology departments of Burgundy, Centre and Pays de la Loire to put on an exceptional inter-regional exhibition covering the whole of the Loire basin.


This exhibition and the accompanying publication (160 pages, 18 euros) will reveal to the public:
  • The wealth of engulfed sites,
  • Subaquatic archaeology,
  • The methods and techniques of archaeological divers.
Captivated by the original displays, visitors will plunge into the heart of the river among the vestiges below: foundations of bridges built by the Roman legions, monoxylous canoes and barges from the Middle Ages, shipwrecks... so many stories glimpsed during dredging, a lucky find or an excavation site.

Dates for the diary

From 18 th September to 24 th December
Exhibition at the Loire Museum in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire.
Designed to be moved around, the exhibition will be put on display in other museums of the Pays-de-la-Loire and Auvergne regions.
An array of activities  will be organised in connection with the exhibition, including:
Monday 11 th October 2010 at 2.30 p.m.
Lecture on Archaeological research in the Loire
at the Loire Museum in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire.
Given by Virginie Serna, heritage curator at the regional archaeological department of the Centre Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs (DRAC).

A multi-partner project

This event has successfully brought together the main cultural stakeholders of the Loire basin to promote this rich subaquatic cultural heritage:
  • The French Ministry of Culture and Communication - Directorate-General of Heritage and Regional Directorates for Cultural Affairs of Burgundy, Centre and Pays de la Loire
  • Établissement Public Loire
  • National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap)
  • Directorate of Subaquatic and Submarine Archaeological Research (Drassm)
  • Regional Councils of Burgundy and Centre
  • County Councils of La Nièvre and Le Loiret




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