Feasibility study of an Inter-regional Landscape Cluster

Published on 21 July 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The Centre and Pays de la Loire have decided to assess whether the potential offered by the very real landscape concerns of both regions, particularly in the Loire Valley, may constitute a specific asset likely to foster a networking initiative that will lead to positive spillovers and sustainable development for businesses.


The relevance of a landscape cluster is to consider the landscape as a vector of economic development, in the same way as tourist or cultural development in the Loire Valley, and to explore the prospects of development in terms of landscape.
This feasibility study is exploratory in nature and will be completed at the end of 2009 after a feedback and validation seminar before landscape stakeholders of both Regions (companies, research and training institutes, public authorities).
This study is part of the Agenda 21 that the Pays de la Loire region has just adopted.
The Pays de la Loire Region has just adopted an Agenda 21



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