Call for projects to foster youth commitment towards World Heritage

Published on 22 September 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre has launched a call for projects for the World Heritage Volunteers Initiative Campaign 2021, entitled "Fostering youth commitment towards World Heritage".

The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign Initiative is aimed at:  

  1. Raising awareness among young people, volunteers, local communities and concerned authorities of the need to protect and promote World Heritage.
  2. Getting young people involved in World Heritage preservation through concrete projects at sites.
  3. Empowering young people, allowing them to learn new skills, basic preservation and conservation techniques and raising their capacity as future decision-makers and global active citizens.
  4. Strengthening sustainable cooperation between non-profit organisations, site management, communities and authorities.
  5. Identifying best practices and developing non-formal education tools to facilitate stakeholders’ participation in the World Heritage education.
  6. Mainstreaming gender equality in all stages of the projects and geographical diversity among the World Heritage properties where the action camps take place.

Application deadline: 30 September 2020  

This call is an invitation for organisations and institutions to apply for the 2021 WHV Campaign with their proposed projects, and join the selected organisations/institutions of 2020, which was postponed to 2021 owing to the global health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Find out more at:    



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