Drawing up 3 outlines for territorial coherence (SCOT) in the Loiret

Published on 29 January 2014 - Updated 18 February 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

As a result of a group discussion started in 2012, the regions Sologne Val Sud, Forêt d'Orléans-Val de Loire and Loire Beauce have united to form an ordering group in order to choose a sole service provider to draw up 3 outlines for territorial coherence (one SCoT per region) The region Loire Beauce is the coordinator of this ordering group.

The 3 regions wish to work together to a similar schedule and share their problems within the drafting of their respective SCoTs. 

The implementation of an ordering group presents several advantages: 

  • sharing mutual issues
  • coordinated progress of the 3 SCoTs
  • same format of records for the 3 regions
  • implementation of an InterSCoT facility by a service provider common to all 3 regions
  • planning the long term implementation of one sole SCoT on the Orléans urban area
  • Economy of scal

The area of the study comprises 3 different territories: 

  • Pays Loire Beauce made up of 38 communities forming 3 communities of municipalities, representing 49,395 inhabitants over 68,062 hectares
  • Pays Forêt d'Orléans Val de Loire made up of 32 municipalities forming 3 communities of municipalities, representing 56,620 inhabitants over 76,876 hectares
  • Pays Sologne Val Sud made up of 29 municipalities forming 4 communities of municipalities, representing 45,585 inhabitants over 107,708 hectares




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