EAU, ESPACES, ESPECES: a collection of experiences to guide action

Published on 29 March 2013 - Updated 08 April 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

Coordinated by the Loire-Brittany Water Board, with the Federation of Conservatories of Natural Areas lending a hand in running it, the EAU, ESPACES, ESPECES (Water, Spaces, Species) platform has helped provide support for a wide variety of multiannual projects and actions in the Loire Basin. The collection of experiences illustrates the diversity of actions carried out and the main results obtained by the projects in question.

It provides invaluable testimony for all managers of great rivers in France and Europe, and also opens prospects for a 4th period of the “Loire Grandeur Nature” plan by calling for closer alignment of national and local policies on water and the environment. 

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