Two new key partners for the Loire Valley world heritage

Published on 16 July 2010 - Updated 07 January 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The Véron eco-museum and the Rochefort-sur-Loire Poetry Centre have both signed partnership agreements as key partners for the site registered with the Mission Val de Loire. The aim is to “facilitate implementation of an overall sustainable development project for the site”.

The two parties undertake to work together to: 

  •   contribute to protection and development of the Loire Valley, in full respect of the integrity of its living cultural landscape 
  •   further mediation of the natural and cultural heritage aimed at all sections of the public
  • participate progressively in the formation of the link participant network for the Loire Valley world heritage

The Véron eco-museum 

The Véron eco-museum, which has been open to the general public since July 2003, is a Musée of France devoted to collection, storage and study of items connected to the Véron area. It pays particular attention to the study of interactions between man and his environment in the peninsula from prehistoric times to the present day. 

Web site:  

Rochefort-sur-Loire Poetry Centre 

 Rochefort-sur-Loire is the cradle of the Rochefort School, a group of poets created in 1941 by Jean Bouhier. Inaugurated in1991, the poetry centre's objectives are to conserve its collection of books from the period and implement activities to the benefit of contemporary poetry. 

7, Grand'Cour
49190 Rochefort-sur-Loire
Tel: 02 41 78 79 14 


Mission Val de Loire  

 Created in March 2002 by the Regional Councils of the Centre and the Pays de la Loire, the Val de Loire Mission is the operational component of the registered site's management mechanism. It coordinates, stimulates and participates in the implementation of the annual programme of activities ratified by the Territorial Conference. 

For more information about the Mission Val de Loire  



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