Two photo competitions this summer

Published on 01 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Interloire is running a competition on the subject of Loire vines and wine, and France Nature Environnement is running its own on the theme of “Artificial rivers, natural rivers”. Submit your entries by October 2008.


The Loire Valley winemakers competition , open until 31 October 2008 , gives you the chance to submit photographs in three categories:
- The consumption of
Loire wines in action,
- A view of the wine-growing landscapes of the Loire ,
- The passion and know-how of Loire winemakers.
There are even pro tips for amateur photographers, and site visitors can mark photos submitted to the website.
The prizes are very attractive: A gastronomic weekend, a 60-bottle cellar, a home-cookery course and many other prizes...
This competition will boost the profile of the website, and therefore of Vins de Loire itself, and the image of Vins de Loire.
Take part:
Until 15 October 2008 , France Nature Environnment is running its 2nd photography competition on the subject of water, organised in the Loire-Brittany basin in partnership with the Water Agency . The chosen topic, "Artificial rivers, natural rivers", aims to raise awareness among local residents of the state of waterways. Residents are also being asked for their views on the draft urban development plan for water development and management (SDAGE) .
Take part:
France Nature Environnement
+33 (0)2 38 62 55 90



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