[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 09 April 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans
During this extended lockdown period, we have pinpointed a range of cultural content and activities bearing on the history and heritage of the Loire Valley. Why not discover and explore them from home, while waiting to be able to resume sightseeing outdoors!
Find out more : Emprunter les expositions itinérantes
Since 16 March 2020, the Lockdown Art Festival has unveiled previously unseen artworks on the website www.agora-off.com, every day at 19.00, during the Covid-19-imposed lockdown period.
The aim is to continue, off-the-cuff, imparting culture, enlightening, educating, sharing and questioning during the lockdown period.
Find all sorts of content put online or gathered by LPO Anjou. Bearing on such themes as the environment, biodiversity or sustainable development, all of these videos, games and documents are in open-access mode, for free, for young and old alike!
The Domaine national de Chambord has a host of activities (including games, handicrafts and colouring) available for your kids to enjoy during lockdown.
The Park has a wide array of activities for children and young people to get stuck into, including activity sheets, craft-DIY sheets for primary level and documentary resources for secondary level.
Also check out: a participatory game on Facebook: share the view or noises you can perceive from your window: a garden, a street, birdsong, children playing … The rules are straightforward: take a photo or record a sound (no videos) and publish it on the page of the Parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine with the slogan "Out the window". Don’t forget to indicate the name of your town or village.
During lockdown, the website for cultural outings in Orléans “On sort !” (We’re going out!) is being renamed “On sort… chez vous !” (We’re going out … to your place!”. You’ll find ideas for artistic, musical, heritage and other fun activities – all on the “Orléans” theme!
The Pays Loire Touraine Meetings in 2020 are devoted to childhood. Although most of the programme has currently been put on hold, one initiative is being maintained: "Inventaire d’enfance", a series of posts on Facebook for showcasing buildings and items connected with childhood, studied as part of the heritage inventory.
The museum team invites you to explore its collections and take part in its activities to share, from home, to keep up a cultural link.
To enable you to keep visiting Château d'Angers, remotely, the Château team has made a selection of activities available for you to enjoy: virtual exhibitions or tours, videos, 3D tools, apps, colouring, educational activities and a participatory drawing challenge on social media … with all that on offer, you’ll be spoilt for choice!
Le Carroi, Chinon’s art and history museum, shares all kinds of content about its collections over social media on a daily basis. Cultural factsheets, "Nation apprenante"-accredited educational content, participatory games, photos and archives of images of Chinon, created from homes in lockdown all form part of this new agenda.
The City of Saumur gives you fresh inspiration several times each week on its Facebook page by sharing ideas of fun or educational activities, as well as portraits of artists or videos about the city’s rich history.
The City of Blois’ “cultural interludes” are videos produced thanks to the involvement of local cultural venue leaders.
The team at Château du Plessis-Macé has put on an original, funny, offbeat and highly instructive programme for people of all ages.
http://www.chateau-plessis-mace.fr/ et https://www.facebook.com/chateauplessismace
During lockdown, the Pays de la Loire Region has unveiled a cultural programme to give you a change of scene, through videos of concerts, stage performances and dance shows as well as documentaries and more.
We will continue to keep this page up-to-date throughout the lockdown period. If you would like to send us your initiatives, we will happily pass them on!
Bien reçu !
Nous vous répondrons prochainement.
L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.