Explore World Heritage by bike

Published on 23 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The SEM régionale des Pays de la Loire offers tourism professionals tools for exploring and enhancing the Loire by Bike, a project launched and piloted by the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions.


In addition to the website www.loire-a-velo.fr which offers printable maps with the geographical location of service providers, the promotional brochure "La Loire by Bike" is available in offices of tourism and for professionals on request from the SEM régionale des Pays de la Loire (contact: Lydia Labalette). This three-chapter document presents the itinerary route and the attractions for tourists in the Loire Valley .
On the ground, Loire residents are invited to explore their heritage by bike, particularly the section of the Loire Valley inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire. The "girouets", inscription markers in the municipalities in the inscribed site, have been given Loire by Bike logos for the tourist season.




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