“De la Vigne au Vin” – From Vine to Wine

Published on 26 November 2015 - Updated 14 December 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

At the crossroads of history and culture, knowhow and experiment, terroir and landscape, the real economy and a genial social life, wine has always had a special place in the story of humankind – playing an altogether unique role in the Loire Valley, which has provided an ideal environment for cultivating the vine for centuries. This special issue, no. 139 of Revue 303 edited by Thierry Pelloquet, contains a whole range of contributions shedding light on all aspects of vine and wine.

303 HORS-SÉRIE N°139  

November 2015 – 232 pages


Roger Dion and the Ligerian vineyards 


  • Wine production in Piriac-sur-Mer during the Roman era
  • Black wine, white wine, red wine, new wine
  • The Sarthe vineyards
  • Wines and vines in Vendée
  • Saumur’s viticultural garden, 1840-1967
  • Phylloxera
  • Antoine Cristal, vine and mind

Landscapes and architecture

  • Vineyard landscapes
  • Tradition and experiment in Anjou’s vineyards
  • Antoine Cristal’s “walls of vines”
  • Walled vineyards, lodges and cellars
  • The protection of winegrowing landscapes

Viticulture and knowhow

  • The winegrower’s tools
  • Traditional winepresses in Anjou
  • Vaslin and Bucher Vaslin winepresses
  • The Loire Valley’s winegrowing terroirs
  • Conservation of grape varieties in Pays de la Loire
  • Berligou is back
  • Chenin in Anjou
  • The place to drink

Representation and heritage preservation

  • The Lord’s vineyards
  • Drunk on art
  • When the packaging makes the label
  • Maison Bouvet-Ladubay’s wine-label library
  • A new museum for Nantes’ vineyards
  • When gourmet tourists get in among the vines
  • Tourist landscapes in the Nantes winegrowing area

Practices and socialites

  • The Loire Valley’s lady vintners, out of the shadows and into the light
  • Convivial cellars in Pays Nantais
  • Wine and gastronomy
  • Wine, a mirror of culture



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