“Coopération Loire” project

Published on 12 November 2013 - Updated 28 November 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

As part of their respective LEADER programme, the Pays Forêt d’Orléans-Val de Loire and Sologne Val Sud on the one hand and Pays Loire Beauce have decided to join forces around a common priority concerning the Loire area: showcasing the Loire banks, in terms of regulations, landscape, environment, heritage and more technical aspects concerning maintenance and management methods. A cycle of thematic briefing meetings has been launched.

4 such meetings are scheduled: 

  • Regulations on the Loire banks (24 September 2013), run by Thomas Carrière, head of the Pôle Loire at the DDT (Local Territories Department)
  • The Loire Valley UNESCO site management plan (15 October 2013), run by Emmanuel Van Hille, Centre Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL), and presentation by Myriam Laidet, Mission Val de Loire
  • Loire Heritage – Sailing – Tourism (November 2013)
  • Environmental education and management (December 2013)

This cycle is part of a joint project entitled "Coopération Loire" (Loire Cooperation) made up of 4 actions that are currently being launched: 

  • Cycle of thematic briefing meetings
  • Landscape study for maintaining/restoring co-visibility from bank to bank
  • Trial developments of the Loire banks
  • Communication




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