History conferences

Published on 03 September 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Six conferences for your diary in October 2008.

Sunday 5 September 2008
Architecture and spirituality in Anjou
Associative meetings organised by the Département federation of learned societies, in the Collégiale Saint-Martin in Angers .

Conferences on archaeology in the Ecomusée du Véron :
Thursday 2 October 2008 at 8.30pm
Prehistory of territory: the movement of objects and prehistoric peoples
Flint , the stone they made their tools out of and a pillar of their traditions, is often the only thing left which bears witness to the relationship that Man had with His territory. The archaeologist Jérôme Primault invites you to discover what made some groups of humans move hundreds of kilometres. 
Thursday 9 October 2008 Thursday  16 October 2008 at 8.30pm
The lower Vienne valley in the Gallo-roman period
Based on recent data, Jean-Philippe Chimier, an archaeologist working with the I.N.R.A.P. (National institute for preventative archaeology research) will show a panorama of the different types of Gallo-roman remains in the region (secondary towns, workshops, villas, temples, necropoles, etc) and will explain their exceptional numbers along the river Vienne .


Saturday 11 October 2008 at 3pm
Conference led by M. GIRAUD, sponsored by the Saumurois Society of Letters, Sciences and Arts.
Sunday 12 October 2008
The history of vines and wine
Conference featuring a tasting, and an exhibition of works of art depicting Bacchus, in the Jardins des Métamorphozes. You have the chance to attend the dinner, by reservation only.
Sunday 19 October 2008
Conference at the Château de Sully-sur-Loire.



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