Consultation on the revision of the Loire Angers SCoT

Published on 17 June 2015 - Updated 01 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The Pays Loire Angers Territorial Coherency Plan (SCoT), which became the Loire Angers Metropolitan Cluster in 2013, was approved in 2011. Whilst it may already contain a certain number of provisions that anticipated the National Committee for the Environment ("Grenelle 2") law, it still needs revising to come fully into line with this law by 1 January 2017, otherwise it will become null and void. Consultations on the Sustainable Development and Planning Project (PADD) are beginning in June 2015.

The Loire Angers Metropolitan Cluster brings together Angers Loire Métropole and the Communities of Communes of Vallée Loire Authion, Loir and Loire Aubance. 

To give the public an opportunity to find out about the project and to make any comments or suggestions, public meetings will run from 15 June to 2 July 2015, and there will be an exhibition on display from mid-June. 

The public can consult the PADD project and make comments online, as well as at the offices of each EPCI (public intermunicipal cooperation institution). 




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