A Symposium “Imagining the Val de Loire” - Nature & Landscape

Published on 28 August 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

13 September at the Grain Market in Blois

This fourth Val de Loire Symposium: Sustainable Resources in the Val de Loire, intended for councillors from the Loire area, is organised by the CAUE 41 (Council for Architecture, Town Planning and the Environment for Loir-et-Cher) with the support of the town, the Blois agglomeration and the Loir-et-Cher Departmental Council.

The subject of the Symposium, ‘Nature and Landscape’ will be discussed under the following headings:
- Identity and development
- Levers for territorial development
- Sustainable resources of the area?
- Questions of administration

Of particular note as part of Workshop 3, a presentation on the subject of “Using the landscape to develop a project-based approach to working in the Val de Loire UNESCO site”. Dominique Tremblay, Director of the Val de Loire Mission, will lead the round-table discussion on the subject of administration.

Further details from:
CAUE du Loir-et-Cher



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