CPIER 2015-2020 and ERDF IOP Loire 2014-2020

Published on 27 July 2015 - Updated 30 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The Loire CPIER (interregional planning contract) is the document by which the State, the Loire-Brittany Water Board, and the Loire Basin regions have committed to the programming and financing of major territorial projects for the coming 6 years, in implementation of the Plan Loir IV strategy. The Loire CPIER interconnects with the ERDF Loire 2014-2020 operational programme.

CPIER 2015-2020

The Centre-Loire Valley Region and the State committed themselves on Friday 10 July 2015. Signature of the CPIER marked the completion of consultations begun in early 2014, involving the State, the Loire-Brittany Water Board, the Basin’s nine regional councils, and the twenty-nine départements and twenty conurbations potentially interested. 

Strategic focuses are designed to respond to the Loire Basin’s four major concerns: 

  • reduction of negative consequences of flooding (152 million euros)
  • reestablishment of more natural operation of aquatic environments (68 million)
  • promotion of heritage assets (25 million)
  • development, best use and sharing of knowledge of the Basin (7 million)

ERDF IOP Loire 2014-2020

The Loire Basin has received 33 million euros in ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) credits in the context of the Interregional Operational Programme (IOP), to assist projects bearing on biodiversity, combating floods and fostering tourism development, in support of Plan Loire IV 2014-2020. 

During the 19 June meeting of the Permanent Committee of Centre-Loire Valley Regional Council, the new authority for management of European funds, European funding was allocated to 36 projects, to the tune of almost 2 million euros out of a total cost of 5.3 million (36% of joint-financing). Projects selected for funding include the “Cultural Season 1515-2015: Francis I: the Renaissance in the Loire Valley”, which covers a range of local programming around celebration of the 500th anniversary of Francis I’s ascension to the throne. 

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