Blois celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley’s inscription

Published on 23 June 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

This year, the City of Blois has decided to decorate the Denis Papin steps in the colours of water, the Loire and the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley’s listing as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Over the past few years, the City of Blois has decorated the Denis Papin steps which overlook the city and, on clear days, offer up breathtaking views across some ten or so kilometres looking north-south.  

For this special anniversary year for the Loire Valley, which was added on 30 November 2000 to the World Heritage List, the city has decided to devote the steps’ decoration to the occasion … with a potential extension all the way down to the river!  

The end result will be unveiled in a few days’ time.    



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