Blanc de sable, the Loire delicacy

Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 16 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

This delicacy, a soft red fruit sweet coated in white chocolate on a crunchy chocolate and hazelnut base, is no ordinary candy – but well on the way to becoming THE culinary speciality of the Loire-Authion Valley.

For this community of municipalities, it symbolises both an identity for the inhabitants, a brand image for people outside the region and a product that is easy to buy as a souvenir fortourists or for giving to friends and family. 

The "Blanc de Sable" is the fruit of a long thought process that has been going on for three years in the community of municipalities, combining the very best of the know-how of the region's local independent bakers. 




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