Along the Loire, a musical portrait of the river

Published on 23 May 2019 - Updated 18 June 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

Since March of this year, the Jacques Moderne Ensemble has made available a recording of its programme, entitled “Along the Loire”. This musical portrait of the river celebrates the Loire in the Renaissance, through 15th and 16th century pieces by Clément Janequin, Jean de Ockeghem, Jean Mouton, etc.

Arranged in the form of a “Mass” dedicated to the Loire, the listener journeys along the banks of the Loire to the rhythm of the musical works, from Puy-en-Velay to the ocean. He/she follows its meanders accompanied by motets, psalms and songs praising the natural environment, the birds, the vines and wine.  

A dialogue with the Loire valley countryside

Constantly searching for new experiences, the Jacques Moderne Ensembleseized the opportunitythis programme presented to work with Boris Jollivet , an audio-naturalist based in the département of the Indre-et-Loire. Their sound and music performances involved the establishment of a dialogue between the sounds of the countryside and music from the Renaissance.  

This work was continued within the framework of the cultural mediation initiatives proposed by the Jacques Moderne Ensemble: a singer from the Ensemble and the audio-naturalist introduced classes of secondary-school pupils to the French language at the time of the Renaissance, and encouraged them to listen to the natural environment around them.  

For further information:  



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