Morpho-bathymetric atlas - The Loire, from Les Ponts-de-Cé to Nantes

Published on 19 August 2013 - Updated 11 September 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

To ensure monitoring of the river's environmental progress, the "observation and communication" mission of the Loire Estuaire public interest group (GIP) is tasked with acquiring data about the Loire, from the Maine to the sea. The newly acquired data – essential for following up and understanding how the Loire functions – includes the detailed geometry of the riverbed.

As such, the firm GEO.XYZ was tasked with a bathymetric survey by multibeam echo sounding. The main channel and secondary branches of the Loire were surveyed from 5 January to 27 March 2013, between Les Ponts-de-Cé (PK147) and Nantes (PK 55). 

This acquisition of data is being used for many things, including monitoring the morphological changes (deposit/erosion) in the Loire bed compared with the different topo-bathymetric surveys. 




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