Arts & plants: springboards for local area prosperity!

Published on 20 August 2015 - Updated 21 September 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

This meeting will take place in the afternoon of Friday 11 September 2015 at the Théâtre Le Quai, as part of the "Les Accroche-Cœurs" Festival. It is organised by ALDEV and the town of Angers, in partnership with POLAU, Angers University, Agrocampus Ouest, Plantes & Cité, Terre des Sciences, and Végépolys.

2 p.m.-3 p.m. EXPERT VIEWPOINTS: Understanding the links between "Arts & local area" and "Plants & local area" 

  • What can the local area do for creation? What can creation do for the local area?
  • How do plants fit into the context of a local area?

3 p.m.-4 p.m. FEEDBACK: Projects blending art, plants and local area development 

  • "Paysages à croquer cherchent Accroche-CÅ“urs" (presentation of projects proposed for the 2015 Festival)
  • "Les Hortensias au Château d’Angers" (different hortensia varieties have been planted in a garden at the château)
  • Amiens Festival "Art, villes & paysage – Art, cities & landscape"
  • "Le Jardin sonore" (The garden of sounds) from Africa to France

4 p.m.-5 p.m. ROUNDTABLE   

5 p.m.-6 p.m. FREE TIME TO MINGLE… until the Festival officially opens! 

Free admission: anyone can attend the meeting: professionals, students, project leaders and anyone wanting to find out more.
Registration is advised to make the event easier to organise. 




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