[Fr] AAC "Labels Patrimoniaux : stop ou encore ?"
Le projet LAPTER (Labels patrimoniaux et touristiques en région Centre-Val de Loire : une ressource territoriale ?) se penche depuis 2022 sur la mobilisation...
Published on 28 October 2014 - Updated 05 November 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans
The TERRALIA and VEGEPOLYS competitive clusters are putting out this call for ideas from 15 October to 30 November 2014. As their main objective is to develop innovative collaborative projects, special consideration will be given to ideas that bring together companies and research laboratories.
Project ideas may concern any and all stages of viticulture and vinification. Projects should propose innovative ideas bearing on development of new products, new procedures, new technologies, new packaging or new services.
For example, they might bear on alternative solutions to vine protection, incorporation of new technologies /ICTs to mechanise or automate monitoring of product health quality, new oenological inputs, water management, new packaging methods, new products (with lower alcohol content, etc.), or new vine or wine extracts...
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