Amboise in the Gallic era

Published on 14 June 2017 - Updated 19 July 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

The Amboise oppidum is one of the Centre-Val de Loire Region’s major archaeological sites and one of the largest Gallic agglomerations in northwestern Gaul. From mid-June onwards, the City of Amboise is drawing on its past with the “Ambacia, la Gauloise” exhibition and a whole series of related activities.


The exhibition, which runs from Saturday 17 June to Sunday 17 September 2017, presents 100 objects that tell the story of the ancient city of Amboise. A score of specialists from various bodies have taken part in shaping its scientific content. The objects on display provide a wide vision of Gallic society. A number of extremely rare items have been restored for the occasion. 

The City of Amboise enlisted the help of several partners in order to mount the exhibition: Centre DRAC, the Regional Archaeology Department, Indre-et-Loire Départemental Council, the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), the ARCHEA association and Le Cercle Ambacia. 

  • Resources
  • Bibliographie et documents

Catalogue de l’exposition éponyme présentée par la Ville d’Amboise à l’été 2017. 100 objets racontent la ville antique d'Amboise.

National Archaeology Days

Workshops, lectures and visits to excavation sites are organised on the occasion of the National Archaeology Days from 16 to 18 June. 

Drawing Competition

In partnership with INRAP, the City is also organising a drawing competition for children between 6 and 12 years old, open until3 September: 

  • 6-9 y/o category: “The Gallic house”
  • 10-12 y/o category: “The Celtic god Cernunnos”

Drawings will be on exhibition during Heritage Days on 17 September 2017, and the winners in each category will be rewarded at the prize-giving ceremony set to take place at 3 p.m. on 17 September. 

Full programme: 

“Ambacia, la Galloise” Exhibition  


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