Latest news from the RDI platform (“Loire Grandeur Nature” Plan)

Published on 31 July 2012 - Updated 03 September 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

The Research-Data-Information platform held two work meetings in spring this year, one in Tours and the other in Brussels. They provided an opportunity to take stock of studies and research work underway or completed – much of which focuses on landscape and heritage.

Landscape and public policies

The “Landscape and local policies: taking account of landscape in territorial development: the case of the Loire Valley” research project (2009-2012) is led by ENSNP landscape engineer and doctoral student in land development at UMR CITERES Tours, in partnership with Agglopolys, the Agglomeration community of Blois. 

This applied research work focuses on 3 study areas: Blois, Nevers and Saumur. Methodology is based on analysis of public policies and representation of actors to support/round out the local authority’s territorial project. 

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Human influence on the Loire and its tributaries

Tourism based on industrial heritage

The Loire Public Establishment (EPL) is carrying out a study on the development and structuring of a tourism offer based on technological and industrial heritage in connection with “the river”, covering the Loire Basin and the river’s tributaries therein (2012). 

Beyond the listing and characterisation of existing initiatives, the study’s objective is to spark off exchange and dialogue between the actors concerned with a view to encouraging creation of an overall offer promoting Ligerian know-how and future technologies connected with the river. 

The study seeks to supply a “toolbox” for use by local stakeholders, designed to encourage them to set up innovative projects and partnerships. 

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“PAtrimoines et TRAjectoires paysagères des vallées ligériennes” (PATRA)

The “Ligerian valleys’ landscape heritages and trajectories” research programme (2010-2012) was set up in response to the RDI platform’s call for “Human and Social Sciences” research projects. 

4 of the 6 components concerned the listed site: 

  • Component 1: The breakwaters of the Amorican Loire (INHP Angers)
  • Component 3: Patrimonialisation of and changes in the fluvial landscape in the rural sector of the Loire in Touraine (CITERES)
  • Component 4: The Loire’s open-air bars and baths in Orleanais (CEDETE Orleans)
  • Component 5: Loire navigation and development legacies (CEDETE Orleans)

The researchers concerned ask us to “think heritage through landscape” by retracing landscape trajectories in order to approach construction of heritage in a wider temporal and spatial context and by questioning “states of reference”. 

They emphasise differentiation of the patrimonialisation process depending on objects and sectors under study (legacies v. heritages). 

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