A floating stage in Chouzé-sur-Loire for a different view of the Loire

Published on 10 January 2019 - Updated 30 January 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

The association Au fil de Loire, based in Chouzé sur Loire, has been working on a quite unique cultural project for a number of years now: building a traditional Loire river vessel, which can be adapted and fitted with stage equipment to offer an original discovery of the Loire territory. At the end of 2018, the association launched a crowdfunding campaign to make its project a reality.

This floating stage will be able to host all sorts of events in connection with the Loire territory:  

  • Shows, concerts, plays: in this way the boat will become a stage, floating on the water, with the Loire as a natural backdrop.
  • Projections on the sails
  • Thematic outings: half-day or full-day outings on the themes of biodiversity, the environment, green travel modes, local produce tastings and other Loire-related subjects... The boat will whisk passengers away on a timeless discovery of the river and its world, around a select theme.
  • Representation of the territory in other regions, via participation in river-based events.

To find out more and support the project: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/au-fil-de-loire/collectes/animation-et-decouverte-au-fil-de-loire  



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