5th “Mediation – World Heritage” learning-through-action session

Published on 02 August 2019 - Updated 03 September 2019
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

From 12 — 14 November 2019, the French World Heritage Property Association — in collaboration with the Royal Saltworks at Arc-et-Senans, Mission Val-de-Loire and the Mining Basin Mission — is organising its fifth national “Mediation – World Heritage” learning-through-action session. This intensive, operational training is designed for front-of-house staff within the organisations responsible for managing French World Heritage Properties and the mediation organisations operating at these properties (Villes d’art et d’histoire (Cities of Art and History) services, tourism and heritage services, visitor centres, tourist information centres, CENs (Natural Space Conservatories), etc.).

Its main objectives are: 

  • To (re)explore key World Heritage concepts (the convention, listing process, DVUE (Declaration of Outstanding Universal Value), etc.) and gain an understanding of the evolution of the World Heritage Convention by looking at the French listings;
  • To appreciate the challenges of incorporating UNESCO-listing values into mediation activities;
  • To compare individual professional practices and identify mediation tools used which are potentially transferable across regions;
  • To use role-playing exercises to acquire tangible application keys for daily activities;
  • To participate in the creation of a national network of World Heritage mediators.

In order to guarantee optimum working conditions, the number of places is limited to 20

Deadline for preregistration: 30 September 2019.  

Programme and preregistration:




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