10th regional meetings for heritage in Pays de la Loire

Published on 23 November 2020 - Updated 04 January 2021
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

This year, the 10th regional meetings for heritage in Pays de la Loire will be held virtually on 27 November and 3 December. The chosen theme is "Heritage and youth: the challenges of assimilation", with the intention of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley’s listing as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In this 20th anniversary year of the Loire Valley’s inclusion on the World Heritage List, the Pays de la Loire Region and Mission Val de Loire are jointly celebrating a remarkable cultural landscape by rolling out promotional initiatives for the general public. The associated educational strands, more specifically geared towards young people, is a priority consideration for Mission Val de Loire.  

The initiative Turning 20 in 2020 is all about examining how young people relate to cultural and natural heritage today. For understanding the different types of heritage will help them to engage more meaningfully in the society they live in. What age groups are we talking about though? The Region’s remit mostly targets adolescents, whether sixth-form students, apprentices or trainees undertaking alternative and vocational training in rural areas via the MFR network, but a curiosity and interest in heritage is well worth developing from early childhood. 

Why, through whom and how can we raise children’s awareness in the diversity of heritage? The 10th regional meetings for heritage will aim to shed light on the challenges involved in helping young people to assimilate heritage.  


10.00 Opening of the regional meetings for heritage  

  • Régine Catin, Regional Councillor, Vice-President of Mission Val de Loire, Vice-President of the French World Heritage Properties association, in charge of the “public outreach” committee

10.15 Youth and culture: what relationship with heritage?  

  • Anne Jonchery, policy officer at the Studies, Foresight and Statistics Department, Ministry of Culture

10.45 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION – Perspectives of heritage  

Moderated by: Guillaume Mézières, journalist  

  • Marie-Lorraine Charles, Director of the Anjou Maison de Loire Association
  • Christophe Fenneteau, Head of the Local Areas & Audiences Department, Pays de la Loire Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC)
  • Bruno Marmiroli, Director of Mission Val de Loire
  • Marie-Danielle Minier, LEA Delegate for Artistic Education and Cultural Action, Nantes Local Education Authority (LEA)

14.00 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION – What strategies can be rolled out to engage with adolescents?  

Moderated by: Guillaume Mézières, journalist  

  • Yves Hanosset, Art Historian and Archaeologist
  • Halia Smaïl, Head of the Visitors Department, Ouest Cultural Centre, Royal Fontevraud Abbey
  • Lionel Thefany, Professor of Visual Arts, Gaston Chaissac secondary school in Pouzauges

15.15 Closing of the regional meetings for heritage  

  • Anne-Sophie Guerra, Vice-President for Heritage on the Culture, sport, community, volunteering and solidarity committee of Pays de la Loire Regional Council

Watch it as it happened

Owing to the current health context, the meetings were streamed live as a video conference on Youtube:  https://youtu.be/RzfHu8bOY34    

Programme of the 10th regional meetings for heritage (PDF, 316.41 KB)  



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