A website for the “Fleuves et Patrimoines” programme

Published on 31 May 2012 - Updated 07 June 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

The “Fleuves et Patrimoines” (Rivers and Heritage) website was officially launched on 15 March 2012 at the World Water Forum in Marseille (France), during the “Culture of water in local governance” session organised by the AIMF in partnership with the Water Academy and UNESCO in the context of the France-UNESCO Convention. The website forms part of the “Rivers and Heritage” programme implemented by UNESCO with the support of the France-UNESCO Convention. The programme seeks to support cultural promotion of rivers.

Throughout the world, we are seeing a renewal of interest in rivers as a common good. In the territories concerned, rivers are regarded as sources of multiple benefits – cultural, economic, environmental and social alike. The wide range of actions undertaken by local authorities and civil society bears witness to these new aspirations. 

The programme is accompanied by set-up of a network of actors and resource people. The aim is to create a pool of knowledge and skills on rivers with a view to meeting requests for expert assessments or technical support and providing concrete responses to questions of development or management of fluvial sites, World Heritage sites in particular. 

An early initiative was the recent creation (March 2011) of the “Maisons du Fleuve” network, of which the Maison de Loire en Anjou is a member. 

Above all, the website sees itself as a tool for discussion. It is designed to collect wide-ranging contributions on projects and achievements, interviews, and news of recent developments, events, research work and publications. 

Anybody wishing to join the network and/or receive regular information on the programme can contact: 

Emmanuelle Robert, e.robert@unesco.org  

On the web



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