First stone of the CCC OD

Published on 08 September 2015 - Updated 21 September 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Loyal to its missions of artistic experimentation and dissemination of living art, the Olivier Debré Contemporary Creation Centre in Tours (CCC OD) has invited Lilian Bourgeat on Friday 4 September 2015 to launch the building project, as the very first stone is laid. Everyday objects taking on extraordinary dimensions have been placed there, symbolising the construction of the CCC OD. It is expected to open in autumn 2016.

Neither museum nor foundation, the CCC OD will be a living and breathing centre for art, building on the achievements of the CCC over the past 35 years. Across its 4,500 square metres, the centre for art will invite visitors to experience contemporary creation in France and abroad in an altogether unique way: cutting-edge art and the young art scene will thus be given pride of place, in an active dialogue with the work of the artist Olivier Debré. 

Located in the François I Gardens right in the historical centre of Tours and on the Loire banks, the CCC OD will enrich the cultural scene of the Tours urban area and surrounding region. 




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