[Fr] Décès de Philippe Auclerc
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris aujourd'hui le décès de Philippe Auclerc, co-fondateur de la maison d'édition "Loire et terroirs" et rédacteur...
Published on 26 November 2015 - Updated 14 December 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans
A hearing of foresight experts is to be held in Orleans on 15 December 2015 with a view to furthering the Ligerian initiative on adaptation to the impacts of climate change launched by the Loire Public Establishment in 2007.
It is hoped that the hearing will lead to an updated forward-looking analysis of developments in water use, human activities and natural milieus in the Loire and its tributaries’ basin, and of associated vulnerabilities.
The hearing aims to facilitate understanding of the issues involved in preparing and implementing measures bearing on adaptation to climate change.
Thought given to water resources/uses matching at basin level will pay special attention to “uses”.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.