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Visit by Navneet Raman from the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage

Published on 15 June 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

On 30 May, as part of its partnership with UNESCO, the International Rivers and Heritage Institute welcomed Navneet Raman, a member of the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, who was visiting France to find out more about the Maisons de Fleuve, or River Discovery Centres.

Mr Raman is currently involved in developing a Heritage Centre in Benares, the aim of which is to promote the heritage located alongside the Ganges that has a connection to the river.

The Institute welcomed Mr Raman to its offices and took him on a trip along the Loire, from Tours to St Mathurin-sur-Loire, via Montsoreau. This gave Mr Raman the opportunity to visit the Loire Discovery Centre, (the Maison de Loire en Anjou), with detailed information provided by Mr Guillaumet, and to meet Loïc Bidault, the director of the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Natural Park, which will see the opening of the Park's own Discovery Centre in the autumn.



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