VITOUR prepares its future

Published on 29 February 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The World Heritage vineyards will meet in Austria in March and in Tours in May to decide upon their next project for cooperation.

The European World Heritage Vineyards Network (VITOUR project) will be meeting at Rust in Austria, on 26 - 27 March to decide together upon the directions to be taken by the new European Cooperation Project focused on preservation of exceptional wine-growing landscapes and creation of wine-tourism on a European scale.

The elected representatives for these European wine-growing regions will be present in Tours on 15 - 17 May 2008, on the occasion of Vitiloire, to  sign the International Convention on World Heritage Vineyards and to ratify the directions for cooperation that form the basis for the appeal dossier for Interreg IV C European funding which will be lodged in October 2008.

Signing of the agreement will take place in the Tours Town Hall on 15 May at 18:00 after the official opening of an exhibition on World Heritage Wine-growing Landscapes presented on the gates of the prefecture of Indre-et-Loire. On 16 May, from 14:30 to 17:00, in the Salle Anatole France, Tours Town Hall, there will be a complete presentation of the cooperative Project by the managers of these UNESCO wine-growing sites. This will be open to the general public.  

For further details of VITOUR




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