“UNESCO World Heritage – France” guide

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

This guide in French and English presents all of the French sites included in the World Heritage List, as well as UNESCO and the World Heritage. Above all, it explains why these sites have been selected by UNESCO.


These exceptional sites all have something in common: they have a recognised universal value. Monuments, architectural ensembles, witnesses to a period and chapter of history, cultural or natural sites are all part of humanity's heritage.
"Following these routes, which now extend throughout the country, means introducing a narrative to our travels in order to write the story of what surrounds us, the story of who we are."
Jean Favier, President of the French National Commission for UNESCO, Preface
Edition DEL  with the French National Commission for UNESCO
Bilingual book: French - English
Format: 14.8 x 21 cm, 144 pages, excluding the cover.
Text and colour illustrations.
Map of France, format: 41.6 x 56 cm open
Pages from the book may be consulted online (PDF) :




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