Two meetings on the flood risk

Published on 07 July 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

On Thursday 24th September 2009, the City of Orléans is organising a conference as part of the Festival de Loire and European project “Flood Resilient City”. Orléans will also be hosting a conference on Businesses and Flooding on 22nd October 2009.

Conference "Flooding and Urbanisation: Friend or Enemy?"

Thursday 24 th September 2009, Orléans.

A new approach to managing the flood risk has been emerging in recent years, involving the development of regions' resistance to the risk by adapting infrastructure, land planning and lifestyles. The aim is to ensure that cities and regions can swiftly return to normal after a major catastrophe, by improving rather than using up their potential to develop.
This conference will encourage discussion and exchange on innovative foreign and French experiences combining town planning with the flood risk.
It will provide answers on:
- Resilient requalification and re-urbanisation of existing buildings and sites,
- Resilient urbanisation of an area under redevelopment (densification).
Programme and registration on the Festival de Loire website.


Conference "Protecting business from the flood risk"

22 nd October 2009, BRGM auditorium, Orléans
Two discussion panels will be held:
  • A strategic challenge for businesses
Programme and registration on Plan Loire website.




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