The website is now more accessible

Published on 12 November 2013 - Updated 28 November 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

Mission Val de Loire has had a conformity audit as per the General Standards for Accessibility to State Department Websites (RGAA) performed by the firm Qelios. Several corrective measures have been taken to significantly improve accessibility to the website, not only for the benefit of disabled people but also all visitors as a whole.

The audit was conducted on the basis of the RGAA standards for the regulatory level AA: RGAA version 2.2.1 (recommendations of the State Modernisation Directorate-General). 

The audit found an overall conformity level of 87.7% for the regulatory level RGAA AA. It identified a few persisting errors that should not significantly affect user access to content, including users of aid technologies. Mission Val de Loire and the firm Mazedia, in charge of site maintenance, have since carried out further corrections, improving the conformity level even more. 

“Efforts have been made in terms of graphics, links, page titles, content titles, fast access links and interactive elements – concerning which the few errors identified do not impact the user in any notable way. 

These various elements characterise a website that should not pose major problems for users affected by accessibility, including users equipped with such aid technologies as screen readers.”  

If you do encounter any difficulties using this content, please contact: 

Mickaël POIROUX 

Innovation and Digital Officer 

+33 (0)2 47 66 56 06  

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