The insomnights of culture

Published on 04 May 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

On Thursday 22nd April 2010, students doing the Vocational Master’s specialising in “Local management of the cultural heritage” at Orléans Faculty of Law organised professional meetings on the theme “Night Culture”. These annual meetings were this year rounded off by a guided tour with storytelling, blending historical anecdotes and an adaptation of the play “La rumeur” (The rumour) by the company Diabolo Théâtre, which drew more than a hundred locals.


The objective was to " put on a festive and friendly cultural event at night-time that looks at culture, history and heritage" declared Cécile Mallot, President of the Association Speculos, which brings the Master's students together. These students organised these meetings and the tour from A to Z, by forging partnerships between institutions (City, County Council, University, CROUS, Orléans Theatre) and associations (CJF Audiophoto).
Earlier in the day, professional meetings provided food for thought on the concept through two topics:
  • Night culture to bring the city centre to life
  • Night culture to fight against cultural intimidation
The Vocational Master's specialising in "Local management of the cultural heritage" trains executives of the different aspects of public cultural heritage management. The originality of this course lies in the emphasis put on the financial, accounting and operational management of cultural heritage, alongside more conventional lessons on its history, rules and role in regional and economic development. Two new modules address the natural and landscape heritage and setup of European cultural projects.
Vocational Master’s specialising in “Local management of the cultural heritage” at Orléans Faculty of Law



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