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  • The first service providers are awarded the “la Loire à vélo” cycling rating

The first service providers are awarded the “la Loire à vélo” cycling rating

Published on 29 April 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

As well as being a major development project undertaken by the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions, “la Loire à vélo” is also a tourist rating which local service providers can obtain.


The first service providers to be rated were accommodation owners and bike rental companies, who had to conform to a reference list of criteria facilitating the welcome of tourist-cyclists.
28 service providers in the Centre and 56 in the Pays de la Loire  have already signed an agreement at the end of April 2009. These agreements concern 7 bike rental companies and 77 hotels and B&Bs. New agreements are being signed on a regular basis.
Two new reference lists have been drawn up : one for tourist offices and the other for tourist sites. They apply to the La Loire à Vélo cycle path running through the two regions as well as to a 5km perimeter around it.
Interested service providers can contact Céline Réveillard, la Loire à vélo assistant at the Val de Loire Mission (+33 (0)2 47 66 51 66 - reveillard@mission-valdeloire.fr).
In order to encourage tourism to develop around the La Loire à Vélo cycle path, both regions have published a joint brochure, 100,000 copies of which have been distributed (including 40,000 in English). This brochure can be downloaded at www.loireavelo.fr.


Vert Event, bike rental, Angers

Hôtel Anne de Bretagne, Blois 

La Loire à vélo



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