The Tourism and Disability label promotes holidays for all

Published on 23 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Offices of tourism are working to be awarded this national label, created in 2001 by the Minister for Tourism, which takes into account the adaptations made for people with motor, visual, hearing or mental disabilities.


With the support of the Centre Region's Tourism Directorate, the Cemaforre Association, a partner of the Centre Region's Departmental Tourism Committees in the implementation of the Tourism and Disability Label, has produced a film for offices of tourism raising awareness of facilities needed to cater for people with disabilities.
This film, entitled "100% Welcome" (19 minutes), presents several examples of modifications made in various offices of tourism in the region in order to make it easier to cater for disabled people.
In Pays de Loire, it is worth noting the commitment of Angers Loire Tourisme to this approach, with a quick introduction on its website of the adapted services.
Le label Tourisme et Handicap (Tourism Directorate)



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